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Hair Transplant Before-After Results

How Can You Get the Best Results From A Hair Transplant Surgery in Turkey?

There are many factors to benefit from a hair transplant surgery in Turkey in the best way possible. All these factors are essential for the best results. Here are three things you have to consider if you want to have a hair transplant as successful as our patients you can see on our website their before and after hair transplant photos. 

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Your Donor Area

Hair transplant grafts are made from the hair follicles plucked from the donor area. Your donor area is almost always the nape area of your scalp. This area is resistant to hair loss, so the best hair transplant doctors in Turkey prefer this area to harvest hair follicles since this is also an area where the hair follicles are most compatible with the rest of your scalp. For example, some doctors get hair follicles from the beard or body hair but the best hair transplant doctors in Turkey know that the donor area from the nape area is the healthiest option for hair transplant candidates. 

The Best Hair Transplant Doctor for You

After you decide to have a hair transplant in Turkey, the biggest decision to make is to find the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey for you. 

Why Are Turkish Hair Transplant Doctors the Best in Hair Transplant Surgeries?

The medical degree in Turkey is an intense degree that only the brightest and the best can complete.

Hair transplant doctors in Turkey have extensive experience in plastic surgeries which gives them the aesthetic view that is crucial for a successful hair transplant operation.

Hair transplant doctors in Turkey got an early start in focusing on hair transplant surgeries as their profession.

Because of their expertise, hair transplant doctors in Turkey provide their knowledge of modern technologies in hair transplantation to the hair transplant clinics they work with.

The Best Hair Transplant CLINIC for You

Finding the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey is easier once you find the best doctor. When you look for the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, there should be questions you should ask before deciding on them.

Here's How to Decide on A Hair Clinic in Turkey

You should Google, and ask the medical consultant of the hair transplant clinics you first contact. Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions. 

Look for the patient's photos on the internet. Before after hair transplant photos of the hair clinic in Turkey you're interested in will have their website and social media accounts. Don't get squeamish when you see the in-between photos. Every surgery gives an ugly duckling phase and hair transplant surgeries are no different. 

The best hair transplant clinic in Turkey can also be the best hair transplant clinic in Istanbul! Who wouldn't want to go sightseeing the amazing views and historical monuments of Istanbul when they go for a hair transplant in Turkey?

The best hair transplant clinic in Turkey doesn't set its price based on graft count but rather on the treatment packages they offer. At Capital Hair Center, we think that a treatment package should contain every necessary treatment a patient needs. And their graft count need shouldn't be the deciding factor for their affordability. 

Before and After The Best Hair Transplant Results

Here are some of the best hair transplant results from Capital Hair Center thanks to the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey, Dr. Ekrem Keskin

As you can guess, every patient is different. Every patient needs different hair transplant techniques and every patient needs different graft counts. 

For example, if you don’t want to shave all your hair and your hair loss is not severe, Dr Ekrem Keskin can provide DHI surgery for your hair loss. This way your DHI hair transplant before and after photos won’t include a completely shaved scalp. 

However, if your hair loss is severe and you need, for example, 4000 grafts and more, you probably will need Sapphire FUE surgery at Capital Hair Center. Sapphire FUE hair transplant before and after results will be different from DHI hair transplant results. 

Before and After Celebrity Hair Transplants

Just like anyone, celebrities that we love and support can suffer from hair loss. These celebrities may have more access to the treatments than we do, but in the end, they also choose to have hair transplant surgery to get a permanent solution to their hair loss. For example, Elon Musk’s before and after hair transplant photos live no doubt that he benefitted from hair transplant surgery. Colson Baker, mostly known as Machine Gun Kelly (MGK) also benefitted from hair loss and his popularity skyrocketed after he got a natural and better-looking hairline MGK before and after hair transplant surgery photos show how important a hair transplant surgery can be important in a person’s life. 

Celebs: Just Like Us!

Here are some of the celebrities who benefitted from a hair transplant operation. Some of these are women who suffer from female hair loss which shows how female celebrity hair transplants before and after photos can be just as inspirational as male celebrity hair transplants before and after photos.

1.) Male Celebrities Who Had A Hair Transplant Surgery

Elon Musk, Machine Gun Kelly, Ricky Whittle, John Travolta, Lebron James, Robert Kazinsky, Elton John, Matthew McConaughey, Steve Carell.

2.) Female Celebrities Who Had A Hair Transplant Surgery

Fergie Duhamel, Jennifer Aniston, Naomi Campbell, Oprah Winfrey, and last but not least, the English actress, Stephanie Davis.

Stephanie Davis was not shy to tell her fans that she had a hair transplant. Her hair transplant results show that celebrities are like us. They may also suffer from hair loss and there’s nothing to be ashamed of it. Especially most patients have options like hair transplant in Turkey and getting the best hair loss treatment from the best hair transplant doctors in Turkey. 

How Many Grafts Will Give You the Best Hair Transplant Results?

Some of our patients will get incredible results from 3500 grafts during their hair transplant and our patients’ hair transplant before and after photos show that. Some of our patients get the best results from an extensive Sapphire FUE operation in two sessions and their Sapphire FUE hair transplant before and after photos show that. These patients usually get coverage for the frontal and mid-top areas in their scalp in the first operation and their crown area in the second operation. Because we know that a hair transplant journey is not the same for everyone. For some, it’s a sprint. For others, it’s a marathon. Both are encouraged by the best hair transplant doctors in Turkey.

Cannot Decide the Graft Count you Need for the Best Hair Transplant Result?

When it comes to getting the best before and after hair transplant results, it’s what you need is more important than anything else. Based on your Norwood scale, the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey can decide what kind of procedure and graft count you will need. If you are not sure where you are on the Norwood scale, you can find out on our website


An Afro hair transplant is not a myth! It’s more than a reality for the best hair transplant doctors in Turkey. These surgeries are success stories for the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey. 

When people with Afro hair suffer from hair loss and look into hair transplants as the permanent solution as they are, most hair transplant doctors shy away from Afro hair because of its texture. Afro hair’s not only the body but also the root is curly, so only the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey can collect Afro hair follicles without damaging the follicles and graft them into the areas with hair loss. 

Black male hair transplant before and after photos of Capital Hair Center and their successful results show that any type of hair can be eligible for hair transplant surgery. As long as your hair transplant doctor is skilled and experienced enough. 

Female hair loss is more prevalent than people think. Some experts argue that female hair loss is more prevalent than ever before because of stress but there may be another reason. We may hear and see more about female hair loss because there’s less stigma on women experiencing hair loss and social media has made this conversation more accessible between people. 

Even though female hair loss can be more than androgenetic hair loss and most hair loss causes can be treated with medicinal treatments, some women still have hair transplants. Some female hair loss problems cannot be solved with medicinal treatments and at that stage, hair transplant surgeries come into play. The best hair transplant doctor in Turkey know that female hair loss can be solved medicinally but also if that’s not the case, they’re skilled enough to give female hair transplant surgery to their patients successfully. Women’s hair transplant before and after results usually show us that women benefit from hair transplant techniques like DHI the most. Because the DHI hair transplant technique doesn’t require a full hair shave, women can have DHI surgeries and adapt to their daily lives earlier than they expect. 

Some women with Afro hair can also suffer from hair loss. However, the source of hair loss may not be only female pattern hair loss but other reasons. For example, Black women may style their hair too tightly and tight hairstyling can cause traction alopecia for them. Traction alopecia is usually reversible if it’s treated quickly. However, if you continue to style your hair the same way, traction alopecia can be permanent. For these cases, hair transplant surgery is a permanent solution. Black female hair transplant before and after results after traction alopecia show that Black women can also get their hair back thanks to hair transplants in Turkey. 

A hair transplant in Turkey doesn’t only happen for your… hair! The best hair transplant clinics in Turkey also offer treatments for the loss of eyebrows and beard. Although they may seem less complicated than hair transplant surgeries, eyebrows and beard are essential to your overall look and a hair transplant surgery can make or break the whole look.

For an eyebrow hair transplant in Turkey, we certainly recommend looking for a hair transplant doctor in Turkey who is also experienced in plastic surgery. Having an aesthetic view of the human face is crucial to provide successful results for eyebrow and beard hair transplant surgeries.

Our surgeon, Dr. Ekrem Keskin is the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey also for this reason. His experience as a plastic surgeon gives him the understanding that all faces are unique in their ways and every patient’s needs are different. 

An eyebrow hair transplant before and after results can be different from another one. For example, some people want to get a fuller look with an eyebrow hair transplant operation. Or some can go back to their looks in their younger days.

The same can be said for beard transplants in Turkey. Having an aesthetic view of a beard transplant is crucial for successful results.


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