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How long does it take for hair to grow back after hair transplant surgery?
How long does it take for hair to grow back after hair transplant surgery?It’s a common question among those considering a hair transplant: How long does it take to grow...
Everything you need to know about hair graft amounts. And is 5000 graft hair transplant too much?
Everything you need to know about hair graft amounts. And is 5000 graft hair transplant too much?When it comes to hair transplants, one of the most common questions is, “...
Everything You Need to Know About DHI Hair Transplants
Everything You Need to Know About DHI Hair Transplants DHI hair transplant is an excellent option for people who want to restore their hairline or achi...
Hair Transplant for People with Curly Hair
You may think that a hair transplant is not your option if you have curly hair. After all, hair transplants are typically associated with straight hair. But that’s not the cas...
Hair Transplant For Vertex Region
Hair transplants can be an excellent option for people with hair loss in the vertex region, which is the area of the scalp that typically begins to thin in male baldness. Hair...
How many grafts are needed for different hair loss patterns?
A common question asked by patients considering hair transplant surgery is, “How many grafts will I need?”. The answer, unfortunately, is not always a simple one. ...
What are the diseases that prevent hair transplantation?
Since hair transplantation is a completely personalized operation, the patient’s health status is one of the determining factors in whether or not he/she is suitable for...
Celebrities Who Had a Hair Transplant Operation
Hair loss is a problem for those who suffer from it, whether they are famous or not. While everyone wants to look good, celebrities have no choice but to look good because the...
Who Can Be an Ideal Candidate for Hair Transplantation?
Since hair transplantation is a surgical procedure performed by specialist doctors and clinics, patients want to know whether they are ideal candidates for hair transplantatio...