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Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow transplant is the process of planting hair follicles taken from the donor area to the desired area. The procedure, performed under local anesthesia, takes approximately 3-4 hours. 

The most important thing to consider in eyebrow transplant is the planting angle of the hair follicles. It is very important that it is done by a team of experts in the field, both when opening channels and planting. Hair follicles placed at the right angle give the patient a natural appearance.

Eye brow transplantation

How Is Eyebrow Transplant Performed?

Eyebrow transplant is performed under the influence of local anesthesia. The area to be treated is anesthetized before the operation so that no pain or ache is felt during the procedure. Hair follicles in the nape area are preferred as the donor area. A channel is opened in the region where sowing will be done. It is necessary to be very careful when opening channels because channels opened at the wrong angle affect the result of the transaction negatively. Finally, the hair follicles taken are placed in the opened channels at an appropriate angle and the operation is completed.

Eyebrow transplantation

eyebrow transplantation

Why Should A Plastic Surgeon Perform Eyebrow Transplant?

Eyebrow is one of the factors that affect the face shape. Giving the wrong shape of the eyebrows can make the person look more angry, old or tired than they are. 

Eyebrow transplant by a plastic surgeon will be the most ideal way as it will also include his aesthetic point of view. From the point of view of the plastic surgeon, an eyebrow transplant can be performed that is suitable for the patient’s face type, curved and completes the appearance of the person.


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