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DHI Hair Transplant Method

DHI also known as direct hair implantation, is the most modern hair transplant technique when a hair transplant candidate’s hair loss is not too severe and they don’t want a complete shave for their hair transplant operation. When a patient wants a hair transplant without shaving, we at Capital Hair Center analyze our patient’s eligibility with scalp analysis and provide them with a DHI hair transplant operation. 

What IS A DHI Hair Transplant?

DHI transplant is a hair transplantation method that is completed in two processes: Acquisition of hair follicles and transplanting the hair grafts into the recipient area. The uniqueness of DHI hair transplant is the use of a special pen called Choi pen during the hair transplant operation. 

DHI transplant procedure

Thanks to the Choi pen, the hair transplant doctor collects the hair follicles without opening channels in the recipient area first. Instead, the hair transplant doctor directly implants these hair follicles directly on the scalp. Compared to FUE and Sapphire FUE, the opening channels procedure is skipped because of the Choi pen, and the DHI hair transplant is completed in a shorter time.

The Choi pen is a special medical pen a hair transplant surgeon uses during the DHI method. It has a very thin, cylindrical, and sharp structure. The Choi pen helps the surgeon to place the grafts directly on the scalp without needing a channel opening during the operation. 

The Choi pen helps with the frequent plantation as well. In addition, the grafts that the surgeon collects are placed on the scalp immediately after the surgeon takes them. Because the doctor skips a step without the complexity of grooving, the grafts are more likely to remain healthy as they do not wait too long outside. 

Before the operation, an experienced anesthesiologist numbs the patient’s scalp with local anesthesia. Then, the hair transplant surgeon collects hair follicles with the help of a Choi pen. Finally, the surgeon places the collected hair follicles on the scalp with the help of the Choi pen. 


The expertise of the DHI hair transplant medical team

As the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, we at Capital Hair Center know that there should be different medical teams for different hair transplant methods. The medical team that performs the Sapphire FUE hair transplant method can also perform the DHI hair transplant method but being an expert in a certain hair transplant method is advantageous as the medical teams should be able to specialize in certain hair transplant methods. For this reason, our DHI hair transplant medical team is different from our Sapphire FUE hair transplant medical team. Dr. Ekrem Keskin, the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey, is an expert in both hair transplant methods but his medical team changes when he performs a DHI hair transplant.  

DHI Cost in Turkey

DHI hair transplant costs may be astronomical in other countries. For example, a DHI cost in the UK may cause a dent in a hair transplant candidate’s budget but a DHI cost in Turkey won’t cause the same effect on a patient’s budget. Hair transplant cost in Turkey is generally much more affordable compared to their European counterparts. However, this DHI cost difference doesn’t mean that quality is not better in Turkey. If anything, because of the Turkish doctors’ work ethic, the true cost of DHI hair transplant operations in Turkey should set a precedent for other countries as a DHI hair transplant cost should be always affordable. 

What Is the Difference Between DHI and Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

There are two differences between Sapphire FUE and DHI hair transplant methods. 

DHI hair transplant method requires the Choi pen for the hair transplant operation. This special pen ensures that the hair transplant doctor performs both channel opening and hair implant simultaneously. Sapphire FUE has also a special micromotor tipped with Sapphire blades but during a Sapphire FUE hair transplant operation, the channel opening and hair transplantation into the recipient area are performed in different stages. First, the hair follicles are harvested from the donor area. Second, the hair transplant doctor performs the channel opening and finally, the hair grafts are transplanted into the recipient area. Thanks to the Choi pen, after harvesting the hair follicles from the donor area, the hair transplant doctor can open the channels and transplant the hair follicles at the same time. Because this is an arduous process, the DHI hair transplant surgeries are eligible for certain people and the hair graft count cannot be as high as during a Sapphire FUE hair transplant surgery. 

Because the hair transplant doctor works in a smaller area and thanks to the Choi pen, the doctor performs the DHI hair transplant without shaving the patient’s hair completely. Hair transplant without shaving is especially preferred by women and men who don’t want to shave their hair completely. 

What Is the Difference Between DHI and Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

There are many advantages to DHI hair transplant in Turkey. 

A different medical team to work on you

The hair transplant team that will work with you during your DHI surgery will be experts focused on DHI hair transplant. This expertise makes them the best DHI hair transplant medical team.

The difference with the Choi pen

Thanks to the Choi pen the hair transplant doctor can perform both the channel opening and the implantation at the same time. Because the DHI surgery is operated in focused areas, it's less invasive compared to other hair transplant methods and that means less time for healing as the patients recuperate in a shorter amount of time.

Unshaven Hair transplant

The DHI hair transplant method doesn't require a full head shave. Because only the recipient and the donor area are shaved, the hair transplant patients don't shave their hair completely and can return to their daily lives much earlier than the patients who experienced other hair transplant methods.

Who Can Benefit from the DHI Method in Turkey?

As we mentioned above, not every hair transplant patient can be eligible for a DHI method. When Dr. Ekrem Keskin decides on a hair transplant method, one of the things he considers is the Norwood scale. If a patient's Norwood degree is bigger than Norwood 2, there is a good chance that Dr. Ekrem Keskin won't recommend you a DHI surgery.

However, if your hair loss is on Norwood 1 or Norwood 2, you can benefit from the DHI hair transplant method.

When women experience hair loss, the hair transplant doctors usually don't recommend FUE and Sapphire FUE hair transplant as hair loss in women is relatively less severe compared to hair loss in men. However, hair loss in women can also be debilitating especially in mental health. DHI hair transplant method can be the perfect hair transplant method for hair loss in women

Whether hair loss in men or hair loss in women, you may not want to shave your hair completely before the hair transplant in Turkey. If you're already eligible for a DHI hair loss based on your Norwood degree, you may choose to have a DHI surgery in Turkey, so you don't have to shave your hair. 

It's true! Some hair loss may not require a hair transplant in Turkey but if you have a high forehead and you think that a slightly lower one or a different one may suit you better. In this case, the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey can redraw your hairline and find a frontal hairline that will fit your face the best without foregoing your aesthetic worries. Also an experienced plastic surgeon in Turkey, Dr. Ekrem Keskin can give you an aesthetic and natural hair transplant experience

After DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey

The aftercare of a DHI hair transplant in Turkey is not different from the aftercare of other hair transplant methods. After the DHI hair transplant in Turkey, there are things you need to be careful about. Luckily, Capital Hair Center is the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, and we provide the first aftercare for our patients. After the DHI hair transplant surgery, our patients are sent to their hotels which we arranged thanks to our extensive hair transplant treatment packages in Turkey. The next day, our patients receive their first hair at our hair transplant clinic. Our patients are also informed about how to proceed once they go back home and also given a hair care package which will be crucial for their recovery. We also do intensive follow-ups with our patients and monitor their progress and their well-being. 

DHI Hair Transplant at
Capital Hair Center

At Capital Hair Center, DHI hair transplant operations have a success rate just like in our Sapphire FUE operations. Our patients have chosen us because of our clinic’s expertise, our extensive hair transplant treatment packages, and the positive reviews from our previous patients. If any hair transplant candidate decides to contact us, our medical consultants return their queries with detailed information, talk to our hair transplant candidates, and get informed from our hair transplant doctor, Dr. Ekrem Keskin. 

DHI Hair Transplant by
Dr. Ekrem Keskin

The best hair transplant doctor in Turkey, Dr. Ekrem Keskin not only provides his medical expertise at Capital Hair Center, but he also leads our hair transplant medical teams as our expert hair transplant surgeon. An experienced surgeon in both plastic surgeries and hair transplant operations, Dr. Ekrem Keskin is directly involved in hair transplant at the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, Capital Hair Center. 

If you have questions about the DHI hair transplant method, you can always contact us and one of our medical consultants will return your query in the shortest amount of time. 

Hair Transplant Before-After Results


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