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Methods of haır transplantatıon
FUE technıque

Follicular Unit Extraction, widely known as FUE, is one of the world’s most common hair transplant methods. In FUE hair transplantation, a hair transplant doctor takes hair follicles one by one from the patient’s nape area. The nape area is more resistant to shedding. The nape area is also known as the donor area. Because the hair follicles in the nape are resistant to shedding, the hair transplant doctor transplants these hair follicles from the nape area to the bald area. During the process, the doctor usually uses micromotors rather than punches. Thanks to the micromotor with its micro tips, the hair transplant surgeon takes the hair follicles by adjusting the micromotor in accordance with the exit angle of the hair.


Hair transplant surgeons prefer the FUE technique because they don’t have to cut the scalp during the operation, unlike FUT surgery. Follicular unit transplantation, also known as FUT, is an invasive hair transplant technique in which a hair transplant doctor will have to use stitches on a patient’s scalp. Almost all hair transplant doctors in Turkey are wary of the FUT technique. With the invention of the FUE technique, hair transplant clinics in Turkey were the ones to choose FUE as their primary hair transplant technique.

Since a hair surgeon performs the FUE hair transplant without incisions, the patient’s recovery time is shorter, and there is no scarring on the scalp. Another benefit of using a micromotor is that it provides more frequent graft removal. Micromotor minimizes the risk of damage to the grafts that the surgeon collects from the donor area while being removed. Thanks to the micromotor, the processing time is accelerated compared to manual methods, and the number of grafts collected increases.

Finally, the hair transplant doctor implants the collected grafts in the bald areas and completes the operation.



Before starting the operation, an anesthesiologist numbs the patient’s scalp with local anesthesia. Then, the hair transplant doctor carefully collects the hair follicles from the donor area. Opening the channels is the second stage of FUE hair transplant surgery. After collecting the hair follicles, the hair transplant doctor opens channels on the scalp for the grafts. Finally, the doctor proceeds to the third stage, placing the collected grafts one by one into the opened channels, and completes the operation.

Hair transplant doctors generally choose the nape area as the donor area in FUE hair transplants. The hair transplant surgeons prefer this area because the hair follicles here are strong and genetically not prone to shedding. In cases where the nape area is insufficient, an experienced hair transplant surgeon can use the chest and beard area as donor areas if necessary.

Since the hair transplant doctor takes the donor hair follicles one by one, severe bleeding does not occur on the scalp. It provides easy and comfortable progress of the operation.

If the hair transplant doctor thinks that the area needing hair transplantation is large, they prefer the FUE technique.

Since the surgeon doesn’t make an incision, unlike during a FUT surgery, there is no scar after the operation.

Tiny abrasions occur in the area where the surgeon takes the grafts, and these abrasions are closed in just 1-2 days. The recovery time is, therefore, faster compared to a FUT surgery.

It does not require any surgical procedure.


The surgery length for the FUE hair transplant procedure varies depending on the size of the area in the hair transplant doctor operates in. Factors such as the width of the area to be transplanted, the number of grafts and the scalp condition affect the procedure’s duration. However, an FUE hair transplantation is a procedure that takes an average of 7-8 hours in total. If a patient is receiving treatment from the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey, Dr. Ekrem Keskin, their hair transplant operation will become an easy procedure in which they won’t experience any discomfort.


You may wonder if the FUE technique is the best hair transplantation technique. The answer depends on the patients’ needs. The best hair transplant doctor in Turkey knows that every patient is unique in their own way and the best hair transplant technique is the best one for the patient. The FUE hair transplant technique is much less invasive and has a higher rate of success compared to the FUT hair transplant technique. However, the best hair clinics in Turkey know that it is always better to strive for more. For this reason, hair transplant technologies and techniques evolve. In recent years, Sapphire FUE has dethroned the traditional FUE hair transplant technique. During a Sapphire FUE surgery, the blades the hair transplantation doctors use are Sapphire-tipped blades. Sapphire blades provide makes the operation even less invasive and the healing period becomes even shorter.

Expert on both techniques and many more, Dr. Ekrem Keskin, the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey, provides both hair transplant techniques to his patients. If you want to know more about FUE and Sapphire FUE, contact the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, Capital Hair Center. 

Hair Transplant Before-After Results


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